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The Honorable Morton I. Abramowitz
Mr. Marshall P. Adair
The Honorable Jonathan S. Addleton
Ms. Eleanor L. “Penny” Akahloun
Mr. Michael Albin
The Honorable Frank Almaguer
Mr. Michael H. Anderson
Ms. Claudia Anyaso
Mr. John Archibald
The Honorable Cresencio Arcos
The Honorable Michael Arietti
Mr. Richard T. Arndt
The Honorable Diego Asencio
Dr. Joanna Athanasopoulos
Mr. Leonard J. Baldyga
Ms. Jane Bandler
The Honorable Robert E. Barbour
Mr. Brent Barker
Dr. Judith Baroody
Mr. & Mrs. Razvigor Bazala
Ms. Priscilla Becker
Mr. Frederick A. Becker
The Honorable Robert M. Beecroft
Mrs. Margaret Bennett
Ms. Virginia Bennett
Mr. James Benson
Mrs. Marilyn Bentley
The Honorable Stuart A. Bernstein
Mr. James Bever
The Honorable James Bindenagel
The Honorable Jack R. Binns
Mr. Philip Birnbaum
Mr. Vernon E. (Gene) Bishop
Mr. Donald M. Bishop
The Honorable James K. Bishop
Ms. Dorothy J. Black
Mr. Paul Blackburn
The Honorable Peggy Blackford
The Honorable John Blaney
Mr. Thomas Bleha
The Honorable Donald Bliss
The Honorable Julia Chang Bloch
The Honorable William Bodde Jr.
The Honorable Barbara K. Bodine
The Honorable Richard W. Bogosian
The Honorable Amy Laura Bondurant
Mr. Michael A. Boorstein
The Honorable Parker W. Borg
The Honorable Eric J. Boswell
The Honorable Richard Boucher
The Honorable Thomas D. Boyatt
The Honorable Aurelia E. Brazeal
Mr. William R. Brew
The Honorable Peter S. Bridges
The Honorable Everett E. Briggs
The Honorable Ken Brill
Mr. David Brombart
Mr. Robert Lynn Brown
Ms. Kathy R. Brown
The Honorable Gordon S. Brown
Mr. Philip C. Brown
Mr. Fredrick Brown
The Honorable Kenneth L. Brown
Mr. Stephen Brundage
The Honorable Edward Brynn
The Honorable Stephen Buck
The Honorable James R. Bullington
Mr. James L. Bullock
Ms. Sallybeth M. Bumbrey
The Honorable R. Nicholas Burns
The Honorable Prudence Bushnell
Mr. Michael A. Butler
Mr. William D. Calderhead
Ms. Beatrice Camp
The Honorable Martha L. Campbell
The Honorable Katherine Canavan
Ms. Ruth Carhuff
The Honorable Brian Carlson
Mr. Stephen Carrig
Ms Anne Cary
The Honorable James Cason
Mr. James W. Chamberlin
The Honorable Timothy Chorba
Ms. Tania Chomiak-Salvi
The Honorable Gene B. Christy
Mr. Bruce W. Clark
Mr. Fred A. Coffey Jr.
Ms Roberta Cohen
Mr. Larry Cohen
The Honorable Herman J. Cohen
Ms Claire Coleman
Mr. Julius Coles
The Honorable James Collins
Ms. Julie Connor
The Honorable Michael W. Cotter
The Honorable John R. Countryman
The Honorable William H. Courtney
The Honorable James F. Creagan
The Honorable Frank Crigler
The Honorable Chester A. Crocker
Mr. William J. Cunningham
The Honorable Richard T. Crowder
The Honorable Walter Cutler
Ms. Anne Dammarell
The Honorable Ruth A. Davis
Mrs. Susan Day
The Honorable Willard A. De Pree
The Honorable John Gunther Dean
Mr. Eddie Deerfield
Ms. Margaret M. Dean
The Honorable Rust M. Deming
Ms Regina Dennis
The Honorable James Derham
Ms. Angela Dickey
The Honorable Robert S. Dillon
The Honorable Shaun Donnelly
Mr. Thomas Donohue
The Honorable Diana Lady Dougan
Mr. Robert W. Drexler
Ms Pamela Dragovich
Mr. Robert W. Dry
Mr. Robert B. Duncan
Mr. Bernard Dupuis
Mr. Lawrence Dunham
Mr. Morton R. Dworken
The Honorable Wesley Egan
Mr. Peter Eicher
The Honorable Luigi R. Einaudi
The Honorable Harriet L. Elam-Thomas
The Honorable Theodore L. Eliot Jr.
The Honorable Nancy Ely-Raphel
The Honorable Mark Erwin
The Honorable Gordon W. Evans
The honorable John Evans
The Honorable Raymond C. Ewing
Mr. Albert E. Fairchild
The Honorable Robert William Farrand
Mr. David Farrar
Mr. Theodore Feifer
Mr. Thomas Fina
MS. Lauri Fitz-Pegado
The Honorable Charles A. Ford
The Honorable Chas W. Freeman Jr.
Mr. Max Friedman
Ms Mary Jo Furgal
The Honorable Edward Gabriel
The Honorable Samuel R. Gammon III
Ms Linda Gallini
Mr. Benjamin Garcia
The Honorable Bruce S. Gelb
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Gilbert
The Honorable Joseph B. Gildenhorn
The Honorable Edward W. Gnehm Jr.
The Honorable Ronald D. Godard
Mr. Robert Gosende
Mr. Robert Goldberg
The Honorable Christopher E. Goldthwait
The Honorable James E. Goodby
Mr. Edgar J. Gordon
Mr. Richard Gookin
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Gosende
The Honorable Gordon Gray
Ms. Marilyn Greene
Ms. Deborah Graze
The Honorable David Greenlee
Mr. Bruce Gregory
The Honorable Robert E. Gribbin
Mr. George Griffin
The Honorable Marc Grossman
Mr. Edward Grulich
The Honorable Kenneth Guenther
Mr. John E. Hall
Mr. Michael R. Hall
Mr. Allen C. Hansen
Mrs. Gloria Shaw Hamilton
Mr. Bradford Hanson
Mr. Faizan Haq
Mr. Gardiner Harris
Mr. Douglas G. Hartley
The Honorable Maura Harty
Mr. Dennis Hays
Mr. Everett Headrick
Mr. Robert C. Heath
The Honorable Don Heflin
Ms. Carolee Heileman
The Honorable Gerald B. Helman
Dr. William A. Helseth
Mr. Christopher Henze
The Honorable Irvin Hicks
Mr. Charles Higginson
Mr. Leonard Hill
Mr. David I. Hitchcock Jr.
Mrs. Martha Holdridge
The Honorable Henry Allen Holmes
Mr. James Holmes
Mr. Nathan Holt
Mr. James R. Hooper
Mr. Robert B. Houston
The Honorable Robert G. Houdek
The Honorable Thomas Lowe Hughes
Mr. Franklin E. Huffman
The Honorable Marie Huhtala
The Honorable Thomas N. Hull
The Honorable Robert Hunter
The Honorable Edward Hurwitz
Mr. Michael Hurley
The Honorable Karl F. Inderfurth
The Honorable William H. Itoh
Mr. Gil Jackson
Mr. Richard L. Jackson
Mr. George Jaeger
The Honorable James Jeffery
Ms Sylvia Johnson
Ms. Nancy E. Johnson
Ms. Judith Rodes Johnson
Ms. Deborah K. Jones
The Honorable A. Elizabeth Jones
The Honorable James R. Jones
Mr. David T. Jones
The Honorable Mosina H. Jordan
The Honorable David Kaeuper
Ms. Carol R. Kalin
The Honorable Arma Jane Karaer
The Honorable Theodore H. Kattouf
Mr. Ralph J. Katrosh
Mr. David Keegan
Mr. Allen L. Keiswetter
The Honorable Kenton W. Keith
Mr. Charles S. Kennedy
The Honorable Laura E. Kennedy
Ms. Susan Keogh
Mr. Judd Kessler
Mr. William P. Kiehl
Mr. Don R. Kienzle
The Honorable Jacques Paul Klein
Mr. Jimmy Kolker
Mr. Harry W. Kopp
Mr. Kenneth Kornher
Mr. Peter Kovach
The Honorable Thomas Krajeski
Mr. Sheldon Krys
The Honorable Lisa Kubiske
Mr. Donald B. Kursch
Ms. Ruth Kurzbauer
The Honorable Daniel Kurtzer
Mr. Charles Lahiguera
The Honorable A.F. La Porta
Mr. James Landberg
The Honorable Joseph E. Lake
The Honorable Edward G. Lanpher
The Honorable Joyce Leader
Ms. Katherine I. Lee
Mr. Wolfgang J. Lehmann
Mr. Vladimir Lehovich
Mr. Mike Lekson
The Honorable Donald C. Leidel
The Honorable Michael Lemmon
Mr. William R. Lenderking
Mr. Burton Levin
Mr. Larry Lesser
Mr. Herbert Levin
The Honorable Arthur W. Lewis
The Honorable Melvin Levitsky
The Honorable Dawn Liberi
The Honorable John W. Limbert
Mr. Patrick Linehan
Mr. D. Thomas Linville
Mr. Winston Lloyd
Dr. Jane C. Loeffler
Ms. Kelly Lopez
The Honorable Winston Lord
Mr. Mark Lore
The Honorable James G. Lowenstein
Mr. Frank Loy
Mr. Walter A. Lundy
Mr. Donald Lyman
The Honorable David L. Lyon
Mr. Micheal Ma
The Honorable David L. Mack
Mr. Michael Mailbach
The Honorable James F. Mack
The Honorable John F. Maisto
Mr. Raymond C. Malley
The Honorable Eileen A. Malloy
Mr. Gifford D. Malone
Mr. Daniel Marion
The Honorable & Mrs. Jan Mares
The Honorable Edward Marks
Mr. Robert A. Martin
The Honorable Richard C. Matheron
The Honorable Gary L. Matthews
Mr. Raymond Maxwell
The Honorable Marilyn McAfee
Mr. John Egan McAteer
Mr. Robert E. McCarthy
Mr. Keith L. McCormick
Mr. John W. McDonald
Mr. Christopher McFadden
The Honorable Christopher McMullen
Professor David C. McGaffey
The Honorable Kevin J. McGuire
The Honorable Donald F. McHenry
Mr. Stevenson McIlvaine
The Honorable Francis Terry McNamara
The Honorable Thomas E. McNamara
Mr. James R. Meenan
Dr and Mrs. Daniel Mehring
Mr. John Merriam
Ms. Marilyn Meyers
The Honorable James H. Michel
The Honorable William Milam
The Honorable Richard M. Miles
The Honorable Thomas J. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mines
Mr. William C. Mithoefer
Mr. David B. Monk
Mr. Gerald J. Monroe
The Honorable James Moriarty
The Honorable Lauren Moriarty
Ms Ann Morin
The Honorable Greta N. Morris
Mr. Ted D. Morse
The Honorable Alfred H. Moses
Mr. Patrick A. Mulloy
Ms. Margeret Murphy
The Honorable Alan Mustard
Mr. Desaix (Terry) Myers
Mr. James Nach
The Honorable Tibor Nagy, Jr.
Mr. John Naland
Mr. Lloyd Neighbors
The Honorable John D. Negroponte
The Honorable Harvey F. Nelson
The Honorable Wanda Nesbitt
The Honorable Ronald E. Neumann
Mr. William Newlin
Mrs. Jean Newsom
Mr. Marc Nicholson
The Honorable Julieta Noyes
Ms Patricia Norman
Mr. Oscar J. Olson Jr.
The Honorable Richard Olson
Ms Molly O’Neal
The Honorable Thedore Osius
The Honorable Nancy Ostrander
Mr. Scott Oudkirk
Mr. Vance Pace
Ms. Sushma Palmer
Mr. Kenneth W. Parent
Mr. Morgan Parker
The Honorable David Passage
The Honorable & Mrs. W.Robert Pearson
Ms. Margaret C. Pearson
Ms. Carol Peasley
The Honorable Edward L. Peck
The Honorable Robert H. Pelletreau
Mrs. Elisabeth Pendleton
The Honorable Mary C. Pendleton
The Honorable Edward Perkins
Ms. Constance Phlipot
The Honorable Thomas Pickering
Mr. John D. Pielemeier
Mrs. Daad Pierce
Mr. Peter G. Piness
Ms. Karyn Posner-Mullen
Mr. William P. Pope
Ms. Janet R. Potash
Ms. Leila D.J. Poullada
Mr. Henry Precht
Mr. Walter Maxwell Press
Mr. William Primosch
The Honorable Robert Pringle
The Honorable Kenneth M. Quinn
Mr. Robert Rackmales
Mr. Carl N. Raether
Mr. Haywood Rankin
The Honorable Robin Raphel
Mr. John R. Ratigan
The Honorable David P. Rawson
Mr. and Mrs. Sam & Julie Rea
Ms. Vivian Reed
The Honorable Philip T. Reeker
Mr. David Reuther
Mr. Stacy Rhodes
Mr. Charles Ries
The Honorable Rozanne L. Ridgway
The Honorable Stephen H. Rogers
Mr. Leonard Rogers
Mr. J. Thomas Rogers
Ms. Denise Rollins
The Honorable Fernando E. Rondon
The Honorable James D. Rosenthal
The Honorable Selwa S. Roosevelt
Mr. Gunther Rosinus
The Honorable Christopher W. Ross
Mr. J. Brinton Rowdybush
The Honorable Daniel Rubinstein
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ruedy
Mr. Theodore E. Russell
Mr. Dean Rust
Ms Juliet Sablosky
The Honorable Robin Sanders
Mrs. Donna Hersey Sandin
The Honorable Howard B. Schaffer
The Honorable Teresita C. Schaffer
The Honorable Lange Schermerhorn
Mr. Peter Schoettle
Ms. Jill Schuker
The Honorable James F. Schumaker
Mr. John F. Scott
The Honorable Gerald W. Scott
The Honorable Robert E. Service
Mr. Alexander Shakow
The Honorable Mattie Sharpless
Mr. David Shear
Mr. Gilbert H. Sheinbaum
The Honorable David Shinn
Mr. Christopher A. Sibilla
Ms. Ann B. Sides
The Honorable Thomas W. Simons
The Honorable Pamela Slutz
Mr. Richard J. Smith
Mrs. Jane S.M. Smith
The Honorable Pamela H. Smith
Mr. W.R. Smyser
Mr. Raymond F. Smith
Mr. Charles Snyder
Mr. Harvey Somers
Mr. Ronald Sommerville
The Honorable Ronald I. Spiers
Ms. Madelyn Spirnak
Ms. Carol Sparhawk
The Honorable John T. Sprott
The Honorable Walter E. Stadtler
Mr. Kenneth Stammerman
The Honorable Sylvia Stanfield
The Honorable George M. Staples
Ms. Antonia Stearns
Dr. Howard L. Steele
Mr. Donald Steinberg
The Honorable Steven Steiner
Mr. Joseph F. Stepanek
Ms. Helga Stevenson
Mr. Philip H. Stoddard
The Honorable John Todd Stewart
Mrs. Mary Ann Stoessel
The Honorable Joseph G. Sullivan
Ms. Sonja Sweek
Mr. Mark Tauber
Mr. Jay Taylor
The Honorable Clyde D. Taylor
The Honorable Richard W. Teare
Mr. Albert A. Thibault Jr.
Dr. Teresa A. Thomas
Mr. Alan Thompson
Mrs. Margery Boichel Thompson
Ms. Trudie E. Thompson
The Honorable Samuel B. Thomsen
Ms. Alyce Tidball
Mrs. Doris Todman
Mr. Nathan Tidwell
The Honorable Peter Tomsen
Ms. Nadia Tongour
Mr. Austin Tracy
Mr. John H. Trattner
The Honorable Paul Trivelli
Mr. Hans N. Tuch
The Honorable Theresa A. Tull
Mr. Bruce W. Tully
The Honorable Abelardo L. Valdez
Mr. Vicente Valle
Mr. Marten van Heuven
Ms. Ruth van Heuven
The Honorable William vanden Heuvel
Mr. William C. Veale
The Honorable Nicholas A. Veliotes
The Honorable Alexander Vershbow
Mr. Victor Vockerodt
Mr. Paul H. Wackerbarth
The Honorable Marcelle M. Wahba
Mr. Douglas Wake
The Honorable Marc Wall
Mr. Richard Walsh
The Honorable George Ward
Mr. Douglas K. Watson
The Honorable Keith L. Wauchope
Mr. Christopher W. Webster
Mr. Leon Weintraub
The Honorable E. Allan Wendt
Mr. Martin Wenick
Mr. Joseph C. Wheeler
Mr. Lewis M. (Jack) White
Ms. Robin White
Dr. Ruth Whiteside
Mr. Dan Whitman
Mr. Jon A. Wiant
The Honorable Philip C. Wilcox Jr.
Mr. James Alan Williams
Ms. Molly K. Williamson
Ms. Peg Willingham
Ms. Mary Willis
Mr. David Michael Wilson
The Honorable Frank G. Wisner
The Honorable John Wolf
Mr. Larry Wood
Mr. H. L. Dufour Woolfley
Mr. Wilbur Wright
Ms. Mary Wright
The Honorable Michael G. Wygant
The Honorable John M. Yates
The Honorable Johnny Young
Ms. Marilyn Zak
Mr. Jack Zetkulic