Boykin, John
ohn Boykin is an award-winning writer and accomplished designer.
As a writer, he has published five books, dozens of articles, and booklets that doctors hand to their patients. As a designer, he has consulted for Fortune 500 companies and created the innovative "Traveler’s French Cheat Sheet."
His prior book, "One Brief Miracle," won the American Academy of Diplomacy book award under its hardcover title, "Cursed Is the Peacemaker." Former Secretary of State George Shultz wrote the foreword.

John Boykin’s fast-paced life of the extraordinary diplomat Philip Habib zeroes in on Habib’s excruciatingly difficult, much lauded, but short-lived success in halting the Arab-Israeli war in Lebanon in 1982 and negotiating the evacuation of PLO leader Yasir Arafat and his PLO fighters. Twenty years later, Arafat and Ariel Sharon,...