Goldthwait, Christopher E.
Christopher Goldthwait set a record of four years and four months as U.S. ambassador to Chad, from late 1999 until early 2004. He was the first Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) career officer to be selected as an ambassador. Before going to Chad he was FAS’s General Sales Manager, an associate administrator–level position, for more than eight years. Prior FAS tours included Germany and Nigeria. He holds degrees from American University and Harvard’s Kennedy School. Since late 2004, Goldthwait has had his own consulting business, focusing on agricultural policy and international agriculture. He was principal author of Modernizing America’s Food and Farm Policy: Vision for a New Direction, the report of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs Agricultural Task Force.
Ambassador to a Small World is a highly personal portrait of Chad from the vantage point of Christopher E. Goldthwait, the longest-serving U.S. Ambassador to N’Djamena. The book touches on Chad’s politics, economy, and society and on U.S. foreign policy, foreign aid, and the life of the small American community...