Smith, Raymond F.
RAYMOND F. SMITH specialized in political analysis in his work for the State Department and retired with the rank of minister counselor in the Senior Foreign Service. Along the way he served as minister counselor for political affairs at Embassy Moscow and director of the Office of Russian, Central Asian, Caucasus, and Eastern European Affairs in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Author of Negotiating with the Soviets (Indiana University Press, 1989) and articles in the Foreign Service Journal, Journal of Peace Research, Journalism Quarterly, and others, Smith has a PhD in international affairs from Northwestern University.

Some of the finest political analysis in the world –– the classified reporting cables sent from U.S. embassies to Washington––never reaches the public eye. Now Ray Smith has filled this gap in the literature on diplomacy with The Craft of Political Analysis for Diplomats (Potomac Books, 2011). Smith explains how to write...