Lyman, Helen
Born in 1935 in San Francisco, California, to parents who had fled Nazi Germany, Helen Lyman graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a degree in Social Welfare. After marriage to Princeton Lyman, she worked as a bank teller in Boston, Massachusetts, while her husband attended graduate school. She acquired a master’s degree in counseling from Bowie State College and worked as a family counselor for seven years in Washington, D.C.
Posted overseas with her husband, she worked as a first grade teacher in Ethiopia and Nigeria. In 1991, the State Department hired her as a computer trainer. Her work for the State Department took her to China, El Salvador, Turkey, South Korea, Israel, Swaziland, and Botswana, as well as South Africa, where her husband was ambassador. The Lymans have three daughters and eleven grandchildren. Helen Lyman began work on this memoir in 2001. She died from cancer in 2008.

In 2001 Helen Lyman began writing about the more humorous incidents she witnessed as the wife of an American diplomat. She observed the overseas life with a somewhat detached and wry view, through the prism of someone who never thought of herself as being born to the trappings of diplomatic...